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China and Tunisia forge strategic partnership

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Beijing, 31 May 2024 (WAI): On Friday, Presidents Xi Jinping of China and Kais Saied of Tunisia announced the formation of a strategic alliance between their nations. Xi made the news while speaking with Saied, who was in China for an official visit.

China and Tunisia are close friends and brothers. Xi stated that in the 60 years since establishing diplomatic relations, the two countries have consistently supported and respected each other. Both states treated one another equally in the face of global upheaval.  Furthermore, a vivid chapter is written about developing nations sticking together through good times and bad.

China is willing to work with Tunisia to continue the long-standing friendship. Additionally, it will deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields and raise bilateral relations to a new level. Xi stated that consolidating and developing China-Tunisia relations conforms to the two peoples’ fundamental interests and shared expectations.

Xi stated that “today, we announced the establishment of a China-Tunisia strategic partnership, which will open up an even brighter future for our relations,”

According to Xi, China supports Tunisia in following a development route that fits its own national circumstances, autonomously progressing the reform process, and maintaining control over its own destiny.

China is ready to strengthen the synergy of development policies with Tunisia, according to Xi, who was speaking about opening up the Chinese market to more premium Tunisian products.

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He underlined the necessity of strengthening collaboration in fields like new energy and building infrastructure. To promote cooperation in the areas of agriculture, water resources, green development, medicine, and health care, and the other regions, Xi emphasized the significance of creating new growth engines. In order to do more, he also pledged to support excellent Belt and Road collaboration between the two nations.

He said that China will continue sending top-notch medical teams to Tunisia.  To promote people-to-people contacts, China should also strengthen its tourism and education cooperation with Tunisia.

To achieve common development, Xi urged the two sides to cooperate with nations in the Global South, promote an equitable and orderly multipolar world order, and advance inclusive and broadly beneficial economic globalization.

He stated that China is prepared to collaborate with Tunisia to establish different forums, such as the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. These forums would boost the growth of China-Arab ties and create a high-level China-Africa community with a shared destiny.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the two nations’ diplomatic ties, Saied expressed his pleasure in making a historic trip to China and attending the 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum’s opening ceremony.

According to him, Tunisia and China have a deep and productive partnership. To advance bilateral ties to new heights, the nation hopes to see more excellent assistance from China for its own national development. Additionally, Tunisia sees tighter collaboration in health, transportation, green growth, and education.

According to Saied, Tunisia adamantly commits to the one-China policy. And fully supports China’s efforts to achieve national reunification and protect its fundamental interests.

He stated that Tunisia and the Arab world valued China’s dedication to justice and fairness in international affairs.  Every nation is free to select a growth route that best fits its unique circumstances. Tunisia is prepared to collaborate in different domains with China, such as protecting universal human values, promoting unity and coordination, and opposing bloc confrontation and hegemony.

The goal is to build a more equitable and beautiful world where people from all walks of life can live harmoniously and experience true freedom and human rights. Additionally, Tunisia aims for a world where everyone shares prosperity, security, and peace.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict was another topic of discussion between the two parties.  Xi emphasized that the viewpoints of Arab countries are strongly aligned with those of China.  To advance a comprehensive, just, and long-lasting resolution of the Palestinian crisis based on the two-state solution, China is prepared to cooperate with Tunisia and other Arab nations.

Following the discussions, the two heads of state signed several bilateral cooperation agreements in a range of sectors, such as investment and development related to green and low-carbon initiatives.

Both parties released a joint statement on the formation of a strategic relationship.



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