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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif meets President Xi Jinping

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Beijing, 7 June 2024 (WAI): Pakistan’s prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday in Beijing. Xi stated that the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership has consistently deepened and enjoyed solid public support.

He pointed out that China and Pakistan are good neighbors connected by mountains and rivers.  He also emphasized that they are good friends who share faith and righteousness.

According to him, China is prepared to collaborate with Pakistan to provide strong mutual support and bolster collaboration. He also emphasized the need to enhance strategic coordination to hasten the establishment of a closer China-Pakistan community and the importance of increasing contributions to regional peace, stability, prosperity, and development.

Xi emphasized that mutual understanding, strong trust, and unwavering support between China and Pakistan are essential to the two countries’ unwavering, unbreakable relationship. He expressed gratitude to Pakistan for its consistent and steadfast support of China on matters pertaining to China’s key priorities and areas of interest.

He said that China would continue to stand with Pakistan in defending its territorial integrity and sovereignty, following a development path that fits its unique circumstances, and vigorously fighting terrorism.

In addition, China is willing to help Pakistan’s development objectives align with excellent Belt and Road cooperation. China will also carry out cooperation in mining, agriculture, and social livelihood in accordance with local conditions and deepen and strengthen the high-quality development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

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Xi expressed optimism that Pakistan will keep up its efforts to establish a secure, stable, and predictable economic environment and fervently ensure the security of Chinese employees, projects, and institutions there.

He stated that China is willing to work with Pakistan to improve coordination and cooperation in the multilateral environment. Together, they will push for an equitable and peaceful global multi-polarization.

They will also collectively focus on inclusive and beneficial economic globalization and concentrate on the development agenda. Furthermore, they will resolve security issues, enhance global governance, and protect the interests of developing nations.

Shehbaz said that China has achieved significant progress against corruption, poverty, and growth under President Xi’s direction, accomplishments that have drawn praise from all across the world.

Furthermore, he appreciated President Xi’s different Initiatives. These initiatives include the Belt and Road, Global Development, and Global Security initiatives. These initiatives have offered strategic direction for resolving current global issues and advancing the creation of a more peaceful world.

He claimed that the CPEC has significantly aided Pakistan’s national growth and provided the Pakistani people with real advantages. He said Pakistan will continue to collaborate with China on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and enhance practical collaboration in different areas.

Shehbaz restated that no force could undermine Pakistan and China’s unwavering friendship or halt China’s economic progress. And Pakistan will never waver in its unwavering backing of China’s stance on any matter pertaining to its fundamental interests.

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