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Pakistan’s Commerce Minister led delegation to China

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Beijing, 11 December 2023 (WAI): Dr. Gohar Ejaz, the Minister of Commerce, is now in China with a delegation of twenty. The goal of strengthening Pakistan-China commercial connections is further reinforced by this initiative, which comes after the historic visit to China in October by Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq Kakar.

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To strengthen trade relations between China and Pakistan and find opportunities for joint ventures, the team, headed by Minister Dr. Gohar Ejaz, is negotiating with Chinese counterparts.

Eager to build on the momentum created by Prime Minister Kakar’s visit, the delegation is actively looking for ways to strengthen economic relations, focusing on balancing the trade balance with China as part of the Minister’s plan.

The meeting between Zhang Xinmin, Chairman of the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles (CCCT), and Commerce Minister Dr. Gohar Ejaz.

Increasing textile commerce between China and Pakistan was the primary goal of this summit, with a focus on correcting trade imbalances. Strategies for breaking into new Chinese markets to boost Pakistani exports and enable more seamless trade exchanges were discussed.

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Minister Dr. Gohar Ejaz met with Luan Richeng, the president of the COFCO Group, a significant participant in China’s food processing industry, in keeping with this trend. Using the power of COFCO Group’s position as China’s largest food processor, producer, and dealer, this meeting is a crucial component of Pakistan’s effort to increase non-textile exports.

According to Minister Dr. Gohar Ejaz, who emphasized the need for private-sector cooperation, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential to Pakistan’s economy.

In addition, the squad has held several Business-to-Business (B2B) meetings, giving Chinese and Pakistani businesspeople a forum to talk about ways to strengthen commercial ties between their two countries.

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