Bucharest, 24 June 2023 (WAI): The Pakistan Embassy in Romania extends warm greetings to all Romanians during the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse. This auspicious day, dedicated to the traditional blouse known as “ie,” is observed yearly on June 24.
The Pakistani Embassy values the Romanian blouse’s historical and artistic significance and appreciates this cultural festival’s relevance. The famous “ia” has become a symbolic sign for Romania, garnering international recognition in recent years. It is deeply embedded in Romania’s national character. Renowned designers have included this traditional dress in their collections, cementing its standing as an authentic regional brand.
Queen Elisabeth and Queen Marie of Romania, two of Romania’s most illustrious monarchs, were known to wear the traditional Romanian folk costume, especially the beloved blouse, with great pride at public and private events.
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On June 24, 2013, the online community La Blouse Roumaine established the first Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse. Since then, this incredible event has crossed national boundaries and is now celebrated across six continents in more than 50 nations and 300 municipalities. It demonstrates the international appeal and cultural significance of the Romanian blouse.
Romanian Blouse Day has gained institutional legitimacy, including in the annual museums and cultural organizations’ annual programs in Romania and abroad. It is gratifying to see the passion and commitment of Romanian embassies and diplomatic missions worldwide in commemorating this joyous anniversary. This rising involvement highlights the effectiveness of cultural diplomacy in building mutual understanding and respect among nations.
The Pakistan Embassy in Romania applauds the Romanian people for their commitment to safeguarding and promoting their cultural heritage. The opportunity to commemorate the Universal Day of the Romanian Blouse with its colleagues reflects its dedication to cultural exchange and diplomatic relations.
International Relations Scholar interested in National Security strategies, with a good focus on Geo-Politics, Foreign Policy, and Public & Cultural Diplomacy.