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Pakistani Diaspora and Embassies Celebrate Independence Day

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As the sun rose on August 14, 2023, the spirit of patriotism and unity reverberated across the globe as Pakistan marked its 76th Independence Day. From Doha to Beijing, Stockholm to Accra, the Pakistani diaspora came together with embassies to commemorate this significant milestone in the nation’s history.

Inspiring flag-raising ceremonies were organized in Pakistani embassies worldwide, showcasing a celebration of freedom and a monument to the unwavering loyalty to Pakistan by communities of the Pakistani diaspora.

In Qatar, Ambassador Muhemmed Aejaz presided over a magnificent flag-hoisting ceremony at the Residence of the Pakistan Embassy in Doha. Members of the Pakistani community and their families attended the occasion to witness the raising of the national flag to the stirring strains of Pakistan’s national anthem.

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Ambassador Sajjad Haider Khan admired the visionary Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and other valiant Independence Movement leaders. Their steadfast commitment opened the way for Muslims in the subcontinent to achieve freedom. The Ambassador emphasized the value of unity and reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to developing into a progressive Islamic society in the face of contemporary challenges.

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Similarly, enthusiastic celebrations were staged in other parts of the world. Ambassador Nauman Bashir Bhatti led the hoisting of the flag at Pakistan House, emphasizing the historical significance of the occasion in Kazakhstan.

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Ambassador Shahbaz M. Malik organized a moving flag-hoisting ceremony in Cuba to honor Pakistan’s Independence Day. The celebrations resonated across Stockholm as the Pakistan House staged an event attended by ardent Pakistani community members and Swedish government officials, highlighting the festive spirit of the diaspora.

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Ambassador Bilal Hayee, who represents Pakistan in Azerbaijan, congratulated all Pakistanis worldwide on their Independence Day. He remarked that Pakistan has evolved as a resilient, strong nation that has recognized its challenges. Today we are 240 million strong people.

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Ambassador Hayee lauded the Pakistani diaspora’s contributions to various global economies and acknowledged Azerbaijan’s sizable Pakistani community. He extended gratitude to Azerbaijan’s people and government for their unwavering support, highlighting the two countries’ longstanding friendship. The Independence Day party at the Embassy brought together friends from Azerbaijan and Pakistan, signifying the lasting affinity between the two countries.

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The festivities continued in Ankara, where a large gathering of the thriving Pakistani diaspora took place at the Pakistan Residence to commemorate Independence Day.

Also Read: A tribute to Pakistan

Ambassador Saadia Altaf Qazi, representing Pakistan in Norway and Iceland, hoisted the flag with unwavering patriotism. Young Pakistanis living in Norway walked to the flag-raising location dressed in traditional garb, showcasing the country’s wide cultural variety. A Norwegian orchestra performed The Pakistani national anthem at the Embassy of Pakistan.

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Ambassador Muhammad Khalid Jamali led a touching flag-raising ceremony in the Czech Republic, demonstrating the diaspora’s abiding love and support for Pakistan.

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Syed M Fawad Sher, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), raised the flag at the Pakistani Embassy in Jeddah.

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The Ambassador for Pakistan in Kyrgyzstan, Hasan Ali Zaigham, stressed the tremendous sacrifices made by the country to gain independence and called for the establishment of the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s vision of a strong and prosperous Pakistan.

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The Pakistani community in Ghana celebrated the hoisting of the flag by High Commissioner Farhat Ayesha, connecting with their heritage and showing their deep love for Pakistan. Ambassador Moin ul Haque hoisted the flag in Beijing, symbolizing Pakistan and China’s unbreakable relationship and teamwork.

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These events symbolized the solidarity and loyalty of Pakistani people abroad to their native country as they marked another year of independence. The coordinated efforts of embassies and diaspora members exhibited an unwavering affection for Pakistan and an unyielding willingness to support its progress and prosperity as a sovereign nation.

The 76th Independence Day celebrations captured the essence of Pakistan – a diverse, historic, and resilient country. The diaspora and embassies worked together to hoist the national flag, sending a powerful message to the rest of the globe that love for Pakistan knows no bounds and support for its development is unwavering.

The harmony exhibited on this historic day illustrates the strength derived from the Pakistani identity. This force continues to propel the country forward on its path to a more promising future.


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