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Pakistani Ambassador Envisions Lachin Border as Peace Bridge

Pakistani Ambassador Envisions Lachin Border as Peace Bridge

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Shusha, 25 June 2023 (WAI): The Pakistani Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Bilal Hayee, and the diplomatic corps visited the “Lachin” border customs checkpoint, emphasizing the potential for this location to serve as a bridge of peace between the two neighboring countries in the South Caucasus.

Envoy Hayee expressed optimism and hope for peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia during his visit to the Lachin region. He reiterated the urgent need for a comprehensive peace treaty between the two nations, which would pave the way for the full normalization of relations.

The Lachin region holds significant importance due to its geographical location, serving as a crucial passage between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The Envoy highlighted the immense potential for the “Lachin” checkpoint to become a symbol of cooperation, dialogue, and peace.

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Diplomat Hayee’s visit to the Lachin region demonstrates Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to supporting regional stability and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Pakistan has consistently advocated for sovereignty, territorial integrity, and the right to self-determination for all nations.

Ambassador Hayee conveyed Pakistan’s solidarity with Azerbaijan through his presence, urging Armenia to engage in constructive dialogue. He stressed the essence of fostering mutual understanding, respect, and empathy to achieve lasting and sustainable peace in the South Caucasus region.

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The diplomatic corps accompanying Ambassador Hayee echoed his sentiments, recognizing the significance of the “Lachin” checkpoint as a potential gateway to peaceful coexistence.

Ambassador Bilal also extolled Lachin’s unrivaled allure. Lachin has captured the attention of Ambassador Bilal and cemented its status as a magnificent destination by embracing spectacular scenery and cultural heritage.

Ambassador Bilal Hayee and the entire diplomatic corps remain optimistic that the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia will engage in meaningful negotiations, leading to a comprehensive peace treaty. They firmly believe that such an accord will contribute to both nations’ welfare, security, prosperity, and the entire South Caucasus region.

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