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Pakistan Embassy, London celebrates Pakistan Day

Pakistan Embassy, London celebrates Pakistan Day

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London, 23 March 2024 (WAI): Today, the Pakistan High Commission in London proudly celebrated Pakistan Day with a poignant and significant flag-hoisting ceremony led by the High Commissioner of Pakistan to the United Kingdom, Dr. Muhammad Faisal.

Amidst a gathering of esteemed guests, including members of the Pakistani diaspora, media personnel, and officials of the High Commission, the ceremony marked a significant and solemn tribute to Pakistan’s founding fathers.

In his address, High Commissioner Dr. Muhammad Faisal emphasized the historical significance of Pakistan Day, highlighting it as a testament to the unity forged by the founding fathers. This unity enabled the Muslim community of the Indian subcontinent to achieve independence and sovereignty, allowing them to flourish in accordance with their customs and traditions.

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Dr. Faisal further underscored the unwavering determination of the Pakistani nation to fortify and develop the nation even further. He expressed profound gratitude to the Pakistani diaspora in the UK for their remarkable contributions across various fields, emphasizing their pivotal role in the celebration. He hailed them as the true ambassadors of Pakistan, embodying the spirit of resilience and excellence.

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Moreover, the High Commissioner extended solidarity with the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, reaffirming Pakistan’s commitment to providing diplomatic, moral, and political support for their inherent right to self-determination, as enshrined in the UN Resolutions.

The ceremony resonated with patriotism and pride as attendees joined in commemorating the spirit of Pakistan’s resilience and progress. It served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by the nation’s ancestors and the collective determination to uphold the principles of freedom, justice, and equality.

The Pakistan High Commission extends heartfelt gratitude to all attendees for their participation in this momentous occasion, further strengthening the bonds of friendship and cooperation between Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

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