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Cultural dialogue grows as Pakistan and Indonesia deepen ties

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Islamabad, 21 August 2023 (WAI): In a remarkable display of cross-border camaraderie, Federal Minister for National Heritage and Cultural Division, Jamal Shah, met with Indonesian Ambassador Adam Tugio. The gathering marked a diplomatic exchange and a celebration of the longstanding cultural bonds that unite Pakistan and Indonesia.

Ambassador Adam Tugio extended warm congratulations to Minister Jamal Shah on his new role, underlining the significance of cultural heritage in the fabric of both nations.

The discussion between the two officials revolved around fortifying cooperation in various domains, focusing on enriching cultural exchange and fostering people-to-people connections. A shared passion for culture, film, TV dramas, and tourism emerged as key avenues to promote a deeper understanding between the citizens of Pakistan and Indonesia.

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Minister Jamal Shah enthusiastically discussed the opportunity for cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy and the National Heritage and Cultural Division, highlighting the potential to take the international and cultural links to new heights.

The prospect of establishing a Pak-Indonesia Corner at the esteemed National Library of Pakistan in Islamabad was also a highlight of the discourse, signifying an intellectual rendezvous where both nations’ literary treasures and shared history would find a cherished abode.

Both officials enthusiastically broached the vibrant realm of cinema, acknowledging its pivotal role in bridging the geographical gap and enabling societies to absorb each other’s narratives.

The discussion also traversed into the captivating world of television dramas, recognized as a cultural conduit that brings hearts and minds closer. Furthermore, the zest for promoting tourism as a vehicle for reciprocal exploration and engagement showcased the commitment of both nations to deepen their mutual admiration.

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Minister Jamal Shah praised the Ambassador’s eagerness to expand the cultural exchange program, assuring Pakistan’s constant assistance. The gathering fostered a climate of respect for one another and shared objectives, symbolizing the strong bonds that continue to unite the two nations.

As the curtain fell on this significant session, it became evident that the communication between Pakistan and Indonesia is set to unfold a new chapter in cultural diplomacy. This chapter, underpinned by both nations’ cherished values, artistic prowess, and shared heritage, promises to etch a compelling narrative of unity amidst diversity, creating a legacy that generations will undoubtedly cherish.



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