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US approves $61B military aid for Ukraine

US approves $61B military aid for Ukraine

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Washington. D.C., 21 April 2024 (WAI): In a landmark decision, the House of Representatives has approved a significant military aid package worth $61 billion for Ukraine, marking a crucial step in supporting the nation’s resistance against Russia’s invasion. The approval, achieved through a delicate bipartisan agreement, comes after considerable deliberation and vocal opposition within Congress.

The aid package signifies a pivotal shift in focus from debating the necessity of aid to determining its swift delivery to Ukraine’s defense forces. Reports indicate that the distribution of lethal aid could commence within days, underlining the situation’s urgency.

President Joe Biden emphasized the importance of this decision, stating that it sends a clear message regarding U.S. leadership on the global stage. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed gratitude for the support, asserting that democracy and freedom hold universal significance and thrive with America’s assistance in safeguarding them.

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According to President Zelensky, the aid is anticipated to prevent the escalation of the conflict and save numerous lives. However, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov voiced opposition, suggesting that the aid would only enrich the United States while exacerbating the situation in Ukraine.

Since the full-scale invasion by Russian forces in February 2022, the conflict has claimed tens of thousands of lives and displaced millions of Ukrainians. The approved foreign aid package also includes substantial support for other strategic allies, including Israel and nations in the Asia-Pacific region.

The legislation will now proceed to the Senate, where its passage is expected in the coming days before President Biden signs it into law. The bipartisan effort has garnered praise from leaders both domestically and internationally, with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and EU chiefs Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel expressing solidarity with Ukraine and emphasizing the importance of collective support against Russian aggression.

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