
Pakistan-Japan educational cooperation & JENESYS

Pakistan-Japan educational cooperation & JENESYS

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Over time, the educational collaborations and exchanges between Pakistan and Japan have developed, leading to cooperation in academia, research, and culture. Both sides have the absolute idea of how beneficial this cooperation is and how valuable it is to enhance knowledge and skills.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which proactively participates in various programs to improve education in Pakistan, is an outstanding effort. Also, JICA aided the establishment of educational policy, teacher training programs, and educational facility infrastructure.

Collaborations between science and technology have gained significance in recent years. Japan’s prowess in innovation and research has resulted in collaborative efforts and alliances with Pakistani academic and research institutes. These partnerships focus on fields like science, engineering, and information technology.

The Government of Japan has extended an invitation to a group of seven Pakistani undergraduate students and a young professional to take part in the Japan-SAARC Network Program of People-to-People Exchange, or JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths).

Under this year’s program’s topic, the visit, set for December 11–19, 2023, intends to promote connectivity and economic cooperation. The Japanese government launched JENESYS, a youth exchange program to foster mutual trust and understanding between the Asia-Pacific area and Japan.

The young people from Pakistan will get the chance to learn more about Japan’s economics, society, politics, history, and diplomatic relationships while there. Lectures and trips will be used to incorporate cultural experiences into the curriculum.

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The Japanese Embassy provided a pre-departure orientation workshop to give the visiting party useful information before their trip to Japan. The Japanese Ambassador to Pakistan, Wada Mitsuhiro, congratulated the chosen students and underlined that the youth exchange program offers them an exceptional and transformative chance to learn about Japan.

Ambassador Wada emphasized the need for people-to-people encounters, especially among young people, to encourage good ties between nations and advance mutual understanding. He intended that the Pakistani students would make the most of their stay in Japan by learning about its history, culture, and way of life and then telling their friends about these enlightening experiences.

The Japanese government has invited 56 working youth and undergraduate and graduate students from SAARC countries to participate in the JENESYS 2023 program. This number reflects the program’s aim to foster mutual understanding and capacity building among young people in SAARC and Japan.

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Additionally, a significant contribution to fostering educational collaboration has been made possible via scholarships and exchange programs. Pakistani students are given access to scholarships by the Japanese government to study in undergraduate, graduate, and research programs at Japanese universities through organizations such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). These initiatives seek to deepen bilateral relations and improve intercultural understanding.

In a nutshell, JICA-focused programs that prioritize teacher training and infrastructure have helped Pakistani-Japanese educational connections blossom. Through the Japan-SAARC Network Program (JENESYS), Pakistani students are invited to learn about Japanese innovations and culture. Japan’s Ministry of Education scholarships reinforce these ties and promote intercultural dialogue.

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