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Pakistan Advocates Global South Unity in Kampala

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Kampala, 23 January 2024 (WAI): At the Third South Summit of the Group of 77 and China, held in Kampala, Uganda, Ambassador Syed Haider Shah, Additional Foreign Secretary (United Nations), presented Pakistan’s national statement focusing on strengthening international collaboration, especially among the nations of the Global South.

Ambassador Shah calls upon the developed countries to fulfill their historical commitments in his address. Furthermore, he added that crucial support should be dispensed to the Global South countries to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the agreed climate goals.

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Ambassador Syed Haider Shah expresses solidarity with the UN Secretary-General’s plea to provide adequate financial resources for the recently operationalized Loss and Damage Fund.

Moving forward, Ambassador Shah calls attention to the responsibilities of the G-77 and China in establishing a just and equitable international order by working in cooperation. He also highlighted the importance of reforms in the financial architecture to enhance representativeness and responsiveness to meet the needs and priorities of developing countries.

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Ambassador Syed Haider Shah’s notable address by presenting Pakistan’s statement resonated with the Summit’s theme of fostering cooperation among developing countries for an equitable and sustainable future. Pakistan’s call for a united front by the developing countries in addressing the shared challenges shows its proactive stance and commitment towards global peace and development.

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