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Kishida’s U.S. visit fortifies Asia Alliance

Kishida's U.S. visit fortifies Asia Alliance

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Washington. D.C., 9 April 2024 (WAI): Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio’s recent state visit to the United States underscores the importance of the Japan-U.S. alliance in Asia. This historic visit—the first by a Japanese leader in nine years—comes at a critical juncture.

As tensions escalate between Beijing and Manila in the South China Sea, Kishida aims to strengthen economic and security ties with the Philippines and the United States. The upcoming trilateral summit involving these three countries signifies a significant step forward.

Kishida’s global platform allows him to articulate Japan’s vision for Japan-U.S. relations, especially given his precarious political situation at home. With a record-low public support rate and looming Liberal Democratic Party leader elections in September 2024, Kishida seeks to demonstrate the resilience of Japan-U.S. ties.

The highly anticipated summit with U.S. President Joe Biden on April 10 is framed as a meeting of two “global partners” addressing pressing global issues. Following this, three-way talks between Biden, Kishida, and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. are scheduled for April 11. During these discussions, they will explore “multilayered” ties and cooperation.

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While the security aspect of Kishida’s U.S. trip has garnered attention, nuclear power is another crucial collaboration area. Last December, Kishida announced Japan’s commitment to lead decarbonization efforts across Asia, aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050.

In alignment with this goal, Japan has endorsed a U.S.-led declaration to increase the world’s nuclear energy capacity by 2050. However, this move disappointed proponents advocating for 100 per cent renewable energy.

The solution for Japan and the United States lies in next-generation nuclear power plants. As part of their trilateral cooperation, they will facilitate the development of “miniature” nuclear power plants known as Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) in the Philippines. These SMRs offer a pathway to reduce Asia’s dependence on fossil fuels and contribute to a cleaner energy future.


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