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Gaza: Unearthed tragedy in the shadows of injustice

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I found a grave not under the ground but above it, named Gaza. A place where the anguish of voices is unheard, and the flames of justice and human rights are flickering by the icy winds of chaos and genocide. The humanitarian crisis on Palestinian soil has lasted for 109 days. 25,105 Palestinians have died as a result of Israel’s attack since October 7, with 9,600 of them being children. 62,681 are injured, and more than 8000 people are still missing. Such massive figures of human loss confirm one thing: Ghaza is writing its terrible history under the US-based world order.

Every day, people in Gaza lose their lives, and those who do survive do not have access to necessities like food and healthcare. The imposition of Israel’s “total siege” is making the situation even worse as they have discovered a new method of killing: through hunger and deadly diseases. Their ultimate goal now appears to wipe out the land, and only then will they declare themselves victorious: the victory achieved after turning the land into a graveyard.

Despite the loss of human lives on such a large scale, we still do not see any initiative taken by the countries that claim themselves as spokesmen of human rights: the “unfulfilled promise” of international organizations such as the UN and the International Court of Justice; the claims of the Geneva Protocol of 1825 and the Geneva Convention of 1949 to provide a safeguard and protection to children and women seem promises decorated on a piece of paper with no guarantee of their actual implementation.

Indeed, Colonialism is returning, but this time, it’s more savage and new. The hegemonic nations, who enjoy the “truth of regime,” produced our reality today. Their “Eurocentric ideologies” are being imposed, which makes them superior and civilized and the “others” inferior.

On October 9, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a proclamation, described Palestinian people as “human animals” and called the war against them “a battle of civilization against barbarism”. Such comments only depict an evil intention behind this genocide.

The voices are muted under the US-based world order, as those who will go against it will be called terrorists. According to recent reports, the Houthis from Yemen launched an attack on Red Sea ships in response to Israel’s cruelty and the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

In reaction to this, the US declared the Houthis of Yemen as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists.” The Houthis are currently prohibited from entering the US, and anyone who continues to help them may face legal action.

However, the question that naturally follows is: Given what is going on in Gaza, why is the West reluctant to label these people as terrorists? Why the definition of a terrorist is reserved for defining a few selected nations, and if other countries do the same, their brutal attacks are acceptable in the name of “Self-defense”?

Also Read: Navigating Troubled Waters: Houthi Attacks and Maritime Security

They are referring to the extensive harm done to humanitarian efforts as a measure adopted to safeguard their “national interest” and “national security.” But from whom? Was it from 9600 children who were killed? If not, why the senseless killings and widespread devastation?

History demonstrates that to gain a piece of land and to preserve their socio-cultural or political ideology, the so-called humans have filled the land with corpses and stained it with blood. But there is a need to stop the loss of human lives as the inhabitants of such places are tired of carrying the corpses of their beloveds. It is a global concern to stop such fights through “immediate ceasefire” and negotiation so that the world would not form histories like that of Gaza.

– Author Azmina is a student of English Literature and Linguistics at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Rawalpindi.

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