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Budget 2024-25- Increased Burden on Pakistani People

Budget 2024-25- Increased Burden on Pakistani People

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Pakistan is very important for the region. Pakistan became independent in 1947, but it is still not independent. Pakistan has been under the pressure of a superpower since the day before. That is why Pakistan is burdened with debt, whose burden is on the shoulders of the people of the state. On the other hand, the elite class is sitting in their comfort zone.

A rich person gets richer and richer, and the poor one would be poorer than the poor. The tax of the elite of our country is waived. Therefore, if Pakistan is called the Pakistan of elites, then it is not wrong. The feudal system is also responsible for bringing Pakistan to this state. Whose stick is his buffalo system, which has been implemented in our country?

One of the main reasons for this in our country is law and order. There is no such thing as a law in our country that has been removed from our country, and that is on the basis of nepotism. Bringing a merit system to improve the country. Pakistan is an ethnic state where every language is spoken, and every tongue spoken has its rights; it can be found on the basis of merit.

Everything is getting out of reach of the people. People don’t have jobs, and they have no food to eat. People don’t have money to get an education, so many children are out of school, transport is expensive, grocery item prices are double, there is a Shortage of electricity and rising electricity bills. It’s difficult to survive with these expenses. People are forced to commit suicide. Who is responsible for it? It is difficult for people with limited income to make ends meet.

At the government level, loans are made from the IMF and other countries. The burden of repaying these debts is placed on the public. People sitting in government positions indulge in public money and are unable to facilitate the people.Pakistan is the fourth most expensive country in the world out of 43 countries. The country had low inflation earlier. Right now, in the budget for 2024, the prices have been increased. Where will those people with limited income go?

The aristocracy has its privileges. It is not the first time that the burden has been put on the people, but the burden is an unprecedented abundance of taxes in the budget. If we talk about the salaried class, 75 billion, this time it will come out of his pocket, for which there is no reward. People say that this budget is not a people-friendly budget.  

On the other hand, the political class is the property of the Billions of rupees to which they have no answer where they build these properties,5000 free electricity is being given to VVIPs,2000 units of gas are being given free, Vehicles and petrol are given free cut off the luxury of these people do not want to repair the system.

The situation of our country is not stable, and our government is adorning such a high lifestyle. In foreign countries, the minister resigns if the government does not run with him, but in our country, the government completes its five years. If these corrupt rulers are held accountable, the entire debt can be solved.

Pakistan’s coming year’s budget is to achieve a moderate 3.6% GDP growth rate while setting an ambitious target of Rs13 trillion in revenue collection through the removal of tax exemptions for the rest and an increase in taxes on the salaried class. It was reported last week that the IMF had imposed some stringent restrictions on the finance ministry, forcing them into last-minute negotiations before the budget. Economist Sakib Sherani said the budget will be in line with IMF requirements.  

Among the main demands made by the IMF are raising the tax revenue target and eliminating subsidies. The budget has been passed, but to the government, how many difficulties does the government have to face in implementing it? It remains to be seen how the government will act on it. The business community has rejected the budget.

Crackdown on non-filers locking their mobile SIM cards and cutting off their utility connections; the government has suggested a number of other actions to take action against non-filers and force them to complete tax returns. The budget proposed prohibiting these people from leaving Pakistan. Education is again neglected; more than two crore children are out of school in Pakistan, which is very sad. Education is not given importance in our country. Primary education and secondary education are suffering; Universities are collapsing due to a lack of resources. We compare ourselves with India in everything.

The education system there is much better than in Pakistan. When children have no education and no jobs, they will become robbers. This is the reason for the increasing crime rate in the city of Karachi.The country is facing the worst situation, or there is no cover-up talk.What steps should be taken to deal with their current situation? Looking at the situation in the country, it seems that History is repeating itself. What we read in the French Revolution. How does a revolution come?

People revolted against the inequalities of French society, the corruption of royal officials, and despair owing to widespread economic hardship. The rulers of Europe sought to raise money by taxing the nobles and clergy, causing food shortages and high prices. Everything was getting out of people’s reach, igniting an explosion of popular anger in the towns and villages of the Paris Basin. This is what is happening in our country. No one can stop the power of the people. It can bring a popular revolution.


** The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views or position of World Affairs Insider. The organization neither endorses nor takes responsibility for the content of this article and its accuracy.

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