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Australia, Japan, Philippines, US Joint Maritime Cooperation Statement

Australia, Japan, Philippines, US Joint Maritime Cooperation Statement

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Washington. D.C., 6 April, 2024 (WAI): Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and the United States stand united in upholding the right to freedom of navigation, overflight, and respect for maritime rights under international law, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Our combined defense and armed forces will conduct a Maritime Cooperative Activity (MCA) within the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone on April 7, 2024, demonstrating our collective commitment to strengthening regional and international cooperation in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

The MCA will be conducted by naval, maritime, and air force units, adhering to international law, domestic laws, and rules of respective nations. During the activity, the safety of navigation and the rights and interests of other States will be given due regard. Additionally, it will showcase professional interactions among naval, maritime, and air forces, ultimately enhancing the interoperability of defense doctrines, tactics, techniques, and procedures.

We stand with all nations in safeguarding the international order based on the rule of law, which forms the foundation for a peaceful and stable Indo-Pacific region. Our four nations reaffirm the position regarding the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Tribunal Award as a final and legally binding decision on the parties to the dispute.

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“Australia is committed to working with partners to maintain the global rules-based order. We recognize the importance of respect for national sovereignty and agreed rules and norms based on international law, particularly UNCLOS. The Maritime Cooperative Activity with the Philippines, Japan, and the United States demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a peaceful, stable, and prosperous region.”

KIHARA, Minoru, Minister of Defense, Japan, states, “Guided by the vision of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP), Japan is dedicated to realizing a free and open international order based on the rule of law. Japan opposes unilateral changes to the status quo by force in the South China Sea, recognizing the issue’s significance to regional peace and stability.”

Also Read: US, Japan, Philippines leaders unite for cooperation

Gilberto C. Teodoro Jr., Secretary of National Defense, Philippines, says, “The Comprehensive Archipelagic Defense Concept (CADC) we are implementing includes strengthening cooperation and interoperability with nations to maintain regional peace and stability based on international law, principally UNCLOS. This activity demonstrates the enduring partnership among the peoples of the Philippines, United States, Australia, and Japan.”

Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of Defense of the United States, notes, “Every country should be free to conduct lawful air and maritime operations. These activities with our allies underscore our commitment to ensuring freedom of navigation and upholding international law. Our operations together support peace and stability in the region.”

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