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Achieving SDGs with people of all abilities: A unified progress

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Every person is different, and that’s what makes us special. Instead of saying someone is disabled, let’s understand they have different abilities. Each of us has strengths, showing how amazing and strong we can be. I must say that these people with challenges are just differently abled and unique in one way or another. Today, we observe the international day of these distinctive people.

The “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” is marked annually on December 3rd. Every year, it brings a resonant theme that encapsulates a call to collective action. This year’s theme is United in action to rescue and achieve the sustainable development goals for, with, and by persons with disabilities.

This theme’s simplicity and clarity highlight the need for a cooperative effort to overcome the difficulties that people with disabilities experience and to guarantee their involvement in the goal of sustainable development. Approximately 16% of the world’s population, or over a billion people, live with a disability, and among those are the people having severe disabilities, they are around 2-4%. Most of these individuals—80 percent—are from the global south. This represents a complex pattern of global society. Given this alarming statistic, it is even more critical than ever to promote inclusion and remove obstacles standing in the way of people with disabilities fully integrating into society.

2023's theme for IDPwD
2023’s theme for IDPwD

The theme emphasizes being “united in action” signifies the collective responsibility we share as a global community. It beckons governments, organizations, communities, and individuals to join forces in creating a world where the inherent dignity and rights of persons with disabilities are not only recognized but actively safeguarded.

The directive to “rescue and achieve the sustainable development goals” conveys a sense of urgency. It underscores the need to address existing disparities and actively work towards inclusivity. While the specific challenges faced by persons with disabilities may vary, the call recognizes the importance of a concerted effort to overcome obstacles and create pathways for their meaningful engagement in society.

Creating an inclusive society involves breaking down barriers, both tangible and intangible. It requires a collective commitment to removing obstacles that limit the participation of persons with disabilities in various spheres of life, from education and employment to social and cultural activities. The call challenges us to think beyond accommodation and strive for environments that proactively facilitate the full spectrum of human abilities.

According to the World Bank, individuals with disabilities are more likely to experience adverse socio-economic impacts, including disruptions in education, employment, and healthcare access. The theme calls for a rescue mission—a concerted effort to mitigate the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on people with disabilities and work towards an inclusive recovery. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations, serve as a roadmap for creating a more equitable and sustainable world. The theme recognizes the interconnectedness of disability rights and the broader global development agenda. By aligning efforts to promote inclusivity with the SDGs, the international community acknowledges that sustainable development is achievable only when it includes everyone, leaving no one behind.

According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), people with disabilities face higher rates of unemployment, underemployment, and discrimination globally. The statistics show that those without impairments have an average 6.0% unemployment rate, 7.6% being the higher figure in the joblessness rate of people with disabilities. The theme’s emphasis on working “with” persons with disabilities underscores the importance of actively involving them in designing and implementing policies and programs. In doing so, we ensure that their unique perspectives and needs are not only considered but are central to the development initiatives aimed at creating more inclusive societies.

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Moreover, the call to achieve sustainable development goals “by persons with disabilities” echoes the principle of empowerment. It recognizes that disabled people are active change agents, not passive recipients of aid or charity. When given equal opportunities, individuals with disabilities have the potential to contribute meaningfully to society. This empowerment is a moral and economic imperative, as a more inclusive workforce and community benefit everyone. As we unite in action on this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, let us reflect on the progress made and the challenges that persist.

In conclusion, the theme “United in action to rescue and achieve the sustainable development goals for, with, and by persons with disabilities” serves as a rallying cry for a more inclusive and equitable world. By recognizing the agency and potential of persons with disabilities and by actively working towards the realization of the SDGs, we can build a future where diversity is celebrated, inclusion is the norm, and every individual, regardless of ability, can participate in and contribute to the collective journey of humanity.


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