
A strange partnership gives hope despite conflict in Pakistan

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Today, major news in Pakistan is circulating nationwide about the alliance between Maulana Fazlur Rahman and Imran Khan. Maulana and Khan lead two major political parties, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, respectively. It’s common in politics for parties to form alliances. So, if two opposite political parties unite for this purpose, it’s not bad. However, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam are two major parties in Pakistan that have had severe differences between their leaders since 2013. The reason behind such fierce clashes between these two leaders has always resulted in significant losses of precious lives.

Why are there such intense clashes between these two leaders?

In 2005, Imran Khan joined hands with Maulana Fazlur Rahman and Qazi Hussain Ahmad to oppose the Pak-US alliance led by General Musharraf.

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The speech Khan made in the National Assembly of Pakistan about 7-8 years ago, emphasizing the need for unity for Pakistan’s progress, is still remembered. He mentioned having significant disagreements with Maulana, yet he expressed readiness to meet him for the peace and prosperity of Pakistan. Imran Khan was born in Lahore in 1952, while Maulana was born in Lakki Marwat in 1953. Khan is one year older than Maulana. Maulana started his political career in 1980 at the age of 27. He became JUI’s General Secretary and won a seat in the National Assembly in 1988.

On the other hand, Khan was offered political positions more than a few times during his cricketing career. In 1987, President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq offered him a political position in the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), which he politely declined. Nawaz Sharif also invited Khan to join his political party.

In 1993, Khan was appointed as the Ambassador for tourism in the caretaker government of Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi and held the portfolio for three months until the government dissolved. He founded his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, in 1996 and contested elections in 1997 but could not win any seats. However, he won a seat in the 2002 general elections. Then, in 2013, he participated in the elections and formed a government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Maulana remained part of every government from 1988 to 2013 and secured important positions, including the Chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Kashmir Committee. Maulana holds a master’s degree from Al-Azhar University, Egypt. He is an expert in Islamic teachings, and more than twelve lakh Pakistani scholars consider him their mentor. Maulana has written almost five books.

On the other hand, even if Imran Khan was not part of the government, he engaged in various activities. He was not only the captain of the Pakistan National Cricket team, winning the Cricket World Cup in 1992, but he also stayed engaged in humanitarian activities involving Pakistan and other countries. Khan built Namal College in 2008 and provided relief to flood-affected people through IDP Khan and DG Khan. He also established solar energy stations. He served as Vice Chancellor of the University of Bradford, England, for over nine years and established Shaukat Khanum Hospital, Lahore. Karachi and Peshawar. Khan has written more than 20 books.

Also Read: Who is voter of Imran Khan?

Now, talking about the differences between these two leaders, both have always opposed anti-people and anti-Islam policies and policies against Pakistan. However, the differences intensified when Maulana blamed Khan for being a Jewish agent because of his marriage to the Goldsmith family 30 years ago. Khan was married to Jemima Goldsmith, and he claims the relationship ended after his divorce in 2004.

On the other hand, Khan claimed Maulana played politics in the name of Islam and was a part of all politics, and he even accused Maulana of diesel theft. Khan further stated that Khwaja Asif, a senior politician, called Maulana diesel theft, not him.

According to senior journalist Hamid Mir, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, a senior politician and former Prime Minister of Pakistan, taunted Maulana about diesel in 1998 when he formed his government again because Maulana was against Nawaz Sharif’s government. However, these charges against Maulana have yet to be proven.

But then, in 2002, when there were elections during General Musharraf’s regime, three people were candidates for becoming Prime Minister, including Maulana Fazlur Rahman, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, and Mir Zafarullah Jamali, so Imran Khan voted for Maulana Fazlur Rahman to become Prime Minister. Imran Khan was the only MNA of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf at that time.

Maulana has the support of all Sunni scholars of Pakistan and their disciples, who want to give their lives for him. On the other hand, with Khan, the majority are more educated and business-minded individuals and youth. Both leaders have more supporters among the Pathans from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, so every day, very regrettable incidents emerge due to differences among party workers.

It has always been seen that disagreements between two religions have not caused as much damage to nations as sectarianism has caused to Muslims, and even today, many Islamic countries have been destroyed due to sectarianism through a conspiracy. Both leaders have the support of the most intelligent youth in Pakistan. One is an expert in Islamic teachings, while the other is skilled in modern education and technology. Just think about how beneficial their unity could be for Islam and Pakistan.

If both leaders come together and set aside their reservations, a revolution can occur, one of peace and love. Until these two leaders reconcile, it’s up to us to strive for this and to encourage such leaders towards it. The alliance between Maulana and Khan is so necessary for the peace and stability of Pakistan.

Therefore, I strongly believe that there is indeed an external conspiracy behind the distance and differences between Maulana and Khan, orchestrated by those who do not wish to see them unite. How will a true Pakistani oppose the alliance between these two leaders, and why? Our ideology, country sentiments, and religion are identical, so why is there such intense disagreement between us? If we strive separately for the same purpose, why can’t we collaborate and work collectively?

Story behind the title “Diesel Theft”

According to Chaudhry Ghulam Hussain, during the war between Afghanistan and Russia, when there was a famine in Afghanistan, Pakistan used to get diesel and petrol from foreign countries; at that time, diesel was sold in black in Pakistan. Pakistani and Afghan people used to get permits for diesel from the government, which they used to send to Afghanistan and earn profits. So, people used to do this kind of business at that time.

Author Hanif Ahmed Khan is a research fellow in the World Affairs Insider. 

** The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views or position of World Affairs Insider. The organization neither endorses nor takes responsibility for the content of this article and its accuracy.

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